Event Details


Friday 1st August 2025


Join us the day before the wedding for a welcome BBQ and drinks.

Saturday 2nd August 2025

12:45 - Arrival

13:30 - Ceremony

16:00 - Wedding Breakfast

20:00 - Ceilidh and dancing

00:00 - Carriages

Sunday 3rd August 2025


Join us the day after the wedding for breakfast and farewells.

Important Event Details


All of the events will be taking place at:

Pynes House
Upton Pyne


Dress code is formal wedding attire for the wedding day itself, and casual dress for the BBQ and breakfast events.

To inform your choices of footwear, portions of the day will be held in the gardens which have an uneven gravel surface.


Whilst we would love to have mum and dad all to ourselves for the weekend, we appreciate that’s not always possible. Please let us know if you will be bringing your little ones in the RSVP form.

Event Access & Parking

The indoor events spaces in the main house are all on one level with level access between. The house can be easily accessed by car with plenty of parking on site, just follow the signs on arrival.

There is a staircase up to the events level from the main entrance however there is alternative access with a single step via the back of house areas - please let us know if you need assistance on the day.


We appreciate that despite our protests of your presence being enough - many of you will want to get us something.

A contribution to our honeymoon fund would be much appreciated if you would like to get us something. We’ve made a list of some specific things here that would help to make our honeymoon memorable.

Our bank account details are below:

Bank details
Mariya Masha Rankin
Account: 03251947
Sort: 09-01-28

Please put your name in the description so we know who to thank. 

Breakfast at the airport


Holiday reading


Dinner date


A bottle of water at Gatwick


Extended honeymoon, with château renovation project in France


A night in a nice hotel
